About Me

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I'm married to Michael, mom to Presley, and also mom to a puppy, Stella. Michael and I have been married since October 2011. Before we were blessed with Presley, we suffered two miscarriages. It was the darkest and most difficult times of both of our lives. Now, we are loving being parents, sleep-deprived, and busy busy. I wouldn't have it any other way! I am a 7th grade teacher who is working on a master's degree in instructional leadership.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's almost here.

Woo! We have a little more than 5 weeks until the wedding! I just know I'm forgetting something. Oh well.

I've had 5 showers already and I am so behind on my thank you notes. My dining room looks ridiculous. I've never seen so many Bed, Bath, and Beyond bags before in my life.

On a very positive note, I am in the lower 150s. I am praying that I am at 140 by wedding day. This is going to take A LOT of discipline. The less you weigh, the harder it gets to lose weight. I have never felt so beautiful before in my life though. People say I'm glowing. That's always nice to hear.

I'm posting a picture from one of the showers last weekend. I'm so lucky to have so many sweet people in my life!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Whoa! Furniture is expensive!

Michael and I had an interior decorator from I.O. Metro come by the house a few weeks ago, and yesterday we sat down with him to hear his ideas for the house.

In order for him to decorate our house the exact way he wants to, it will cost us, in his words, "only $25,000." Um, you can't put only and $25,000 in the same sentence.

Anyway, we are going to start looking through the list and decide exactly what we really want to buy, and what can wait.

Either way, I'm super excited. Also, we'll be living off Ramen noodles for a while. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mad About Photos

We got all of our engagement pictures back yesterday. I'm not very happy with them. I mean, the photographer is awesome. I am just mad about what I wore and feel very fat in a lot of the pictures. It may be an accurate depiction of my physique, but I really want my pictures to blow people away at the reception. Am I rude for asking for another engagement session? I don't feel like I am. Anyway, I'm just venting. I want to love the way I look, but it's just not happening lately. Trying to get into wedding workout mode. It's just so dang hard.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Well, we finally registered. Michael and I spent 2 and a half hours at Bed Bath & Beyond today. Besides one minor fight in the "towel room," it was a fairly painless process.

One thing I learned, which really I already knew, men hate shopping.

I believe that, like children, when it comes to men, they have a shopping attention span that matches their age. So, 32 minutes into our shopping trip, Michael was over it. That's what caused the fight. I wanted his opinion on towels, he said he didn't care, I said you don't care about anything with the wedding, blah, blah, blah... Five minutes later we over it and finished registering.

It was really fun overall. You get to do a lot of "dream shopping." Some of the items were a little out of the acceptable price range, but you never know!

We still plan to register a couple of other places, but this was definitely the big one!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chipotle and the Wedding Dress

My wedding dress arrived on my parents' doorstep about a week ago, but I haven't tried it on yet.

I'm so excited that it's here, but I'm not trying it on until I lose about five more pounds. It's extremely difficult, but I want that dress to be a teeny bit loose when I try it on.

So, I'm not going out to eat or drinking any kind of caloric (adult) beverages until I reach my little goal. What makes this especially difficult is the fact that Chipotle just opened in Memphis. It's the first one. I have been waiting since the announcement was made months ago. I tried it once in Texas and it was amazing.

So, that means I'm trying very hard to reach my goal. Now, I hope to lose a total of twenty-five pounds by my wedding day, so I've got a bit to go...but I believe I can make it!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Michael and Corrie Sitting in a Tree

I had no idea my friend Marcy's wedding would be the last wedding I'd ever have the opportunity to catch a bouquet at a wedding. I didn't catch it, but on that late October evening, something life changing was happening hundreds of miles away from me.

My boyfriend, Michael, was having "the talk" with my dad. Sitting at a Memphis restaurant, he decided after three years of dating, he was ready to spend the rest of his life with my crazy butt. He asked dad for permission to marry me.

I don't know everything that was said that day, but Michael says a HUGE grin spread on my dad's face. He got the approval.

A month later. at the bar in Monroe, Louisiana where we first met, Michael got down on one knee. I quickly said yes.

We will be married on October 8, 2011.